Calling all bay area lindy hoppers!

Want to learn exciting and challenging choreography?
Want to level-up your practice and polish?
Want to dive in with your dancing peers on really mastering a great routine?
Want to have the opportunity to perform at local events, Camp Hollywood (in LA), and beyond?

If you answered yes to any of the above, we want you to join the Summer Performance Team!

Fill out the form and show up May 23rd, 8pm, Hall 1 @ The Breakaway!

Choreographers and Teachers: Max and Helen

What is it?

The Summer Performance Team is a 2-3 month class, focused on learning, mastering, and polishing a routine created by our very own Max and Helen!

When is it?

Rehearsals will take place June and July at The Breakaway from 8pm - 9:15pm. You can still take regular monthly classes at the same time! There will be a discount applied to any classes taken concurrently.
During August there will be practice focused specifically on polishing and blocking for Camp Hollywood. Scheduling will be set with performers for what works best for everyone.

Where will you be performing?

We intend to perform at Bay Area weekly events such as:

Performance locations/dates/times have not been finalized yet, but we’re working to get you as many opportunities to perform as possible!

How do you sign up?

Please fill out the interest form, linked above and below! Then be sure to attend the first meeting/audition on May 23rd, 8-9pm, Hall 1 @ The Breakaway. Once we get number of participants we will have specific pricing, but we aim to keep it as close to our standard monthly classes as possible.

Other Questions?