Beginner : Kick-steppin' to the Beat

It's time to learn some Charleston! If you've seen people kicking their way across the dance floor, you're probably familiar with some of these energetic moves! Aside from learning Charleston moves, you'll also focus on good footwork, so that you know how to stay balanced while moving confidently across the floor. Then learn some fancy steps that will help you express your own personal shine when you're dancing with others! No partner and no experience necessary.

Class Curriculum Explained

Beginner Teachers: Irina Semenova & Lanceton D'souza

Intermediate: All About Tandem Charleston

Tandem Charleston (and all of its variations) is one of the most eye-catching patterns in Lindy Hop, which is probably why you see it so often in competitions and performances! On the social dance floor, getting into tandem is definitely one of those moves where it becomes clear who's taken a class on it and who hasn't. Come learn the ins and outs of tandem, how to smoothly transition to it, and some fun moves and variations that come out of it!

Class Curriculum Explained

Intermediate Teachers: Kevin Weng & Hannah Howard

Int Elective: Training Sessions: Body Mechanics

Lindy Hop is an athletic dance, and learning about your body means you can dance for years to come, preventing injuries that will take you out of dancing along the way. The skills you train by understanding body mechanics are also skills that all great dancers have in spades: unshakeable balance, a comfortable yet dynamic connection, moving easily through fast tempos, and more.

Training Sessions are a new type of elective that digs into the nitty gritty of the dance. These classes will focus on drills, training, and habits to improve your dance foundations and change your dancing from the ground up. Completing at least 6 months of Intermediate recommended.

Class Curriculum Explained

Elective Teachers: Jeannie Tran & Bryan Lopez

Advanced Topics: Shmoovin! Fast Dancing Like You're From SoCal

This series is only 3 weeks long: Aug 5th, 12th & 19th
Practice session & LBN on Aug 26th included

Paul's an experienced teacher from SoCal, and we were super lucky when he moved up to Davis. Now we're bringing him to the Breakaway for the first time! Dancing with Calvin, the two of them are smooth, connected, and use plenty of counterbalance, even at fast tempos. Come learn all about how they approach high tempos and how to train so you can push your standards for what fast means to you.

Check them out both dancing (separately) in the Camp Jitterbug 2024 Couple Finals to 210 BPM spotlights: here

Class Curriculum Explained

Advanced Topics Teachers: Paul Riding & Calvin Lu

Practice sESSION

Intermediate/Advanced Practice Session is held on the last Thursday of each month at 7-8pm, right before the dance.

These practices are meant for dancers who are very comfortable with Intermediate content, have danced and taken classes regularly for at least a year, and are willing to be more collaborative and self-directed than a typical class setting. Ideas will be given for inspiration, but you are encouraged to bring your own ideas to work on. Coming with a dance partner is not required but is allowed and recommended. Expect to workshop moves and ideas with other dancers, give and receive constructive feedback, and build connections in the Lindy Hop community!

Class Curriculum Explained

Practice Session Leader: TBD